Select the Right Plasterboard Fixings for All Of Your Plaster Projects

Building Materials Nationwide offers a broad range of compatible fasteners, efficient sourcing through tailored trade accounts, and expert tips and advice.

Simplifying Fastener Compatibility Checks for Efficient Plasterboarding

Assessing the compatibility of supplied fasteners with specific plasterboards is vital for completing a job accurately. However, this task can occasionally pose challenges for professionals, disrupting their workflow and costing their time.

Our approach effectively resolves compatibility concerns, avoiding unwarranted delays and expenses, and allowing you to focus on your main priorities.

How Incompatible Fasteners Can Cost You Time and Money

Taking a guess and hoping your fasteners will work can lead to frustration and lost productivity if they end up being the wrong size or type. You may have to make extra trips to pick up more supplies, or even have to replace installed boards that were damaged because the right fasteners weren't used initially. 

This trial-and-error approach disrupts your workflow and timeline for completing the job, and the unseen costs tied to compatibility issues can thus escalate, impacting the financial viability of projects.

Checking Screw Compatibility 

Plasterboard fixings like screws are crucial accessories for plasterboard, ones you'll find yourself using frequently when dealing with any type of plasterboard. There is an array of screw types that can be categorised based on the following factors:

  • Screw Length: Available in sizes up to 120mm which is often crucial for securely affixing thick, heavy boards to wall frames or ceilings. 
  • Screw Gauge: The gauge represents the thickness of the plasterboard screws. An incorrect gauge can result in a screw snapping due to the weight of the board.
  • Screw Thread: The screw’s thread denotes the tightness of the screw's helical shape coil, with finer, stronger threads being more suited for metal frames.

Given that plasterboards in walls and ceilings can be considerably thick, long screws are often the most suitable. However, the exact type of plasterboard screws you'll need may vary, depending on the particulars of your wall or ceiling.

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Consider the Best Fixing for Your Project

When determining the appropriate fixings for your specific project, asking the right questions is pivotal. First, you need to understand the type of boards you are working with, as different boards may necessitate specific fixings. You can then discern what you are fitting them onto – whether it's a wall or ceiling, the material it's made from may affect the type of fixing needed.

By addressing these crucial inquiries: “What boards am I fitting?” and “What am I fitting them onto?”, you refine your selection process, ensuring the chosen fixings align seamlessly with your materials, preventing any potential installation hitches.

This focused approach enables a more streamlined installation process, mitigates risks associated with incompatible fixings, and ensures the longevity and integrity of the installed boards, allowing you to maintain high-quality craftsmanship in every project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Talk to Our Experts

It is advisable to thoroughly review the specifications of both boards and fasteners, confirm the requirements, and conduct relevant tests if necessary. A detailed approach to compatibility ensures the avoidance of any potential issues, facilitating a smooth construction process.

Talk to our experts about the specifications of our products. Our account managers are well-versed and experienced in advising on the most suitable fasteners, ensuring seamless compatibility and mitigating risks. We’ll also be able to provide you with data sheets for products if needed. This means you can move forward with assurance, alleviating concerns related to the compatibility of fasteners with boards.

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