
  1. Soundproof Plasterboard: Structural Benefits for Quiet Spaces

    Soundproof Plasterboard: Structural Benefits for Quiet Spaces

    As the demand for improved sound insulation grows, soundproof plasterboard emerges as a versatile solution. Below, we look at the structural benefits of soundproof plasterboard, exploring its composition and installation methods. We examine how it enhances acoustic comfort, impact and fire resistance and dimensional stability. What is soundproof plasterboard? Also known as acoustic plasterboard or […]

  2. How to Navigate Regulations with Moisture Resistant Plasterboard

    How to Navigate Regulations with Moisture Resistant Plasterboard

    Whether you are renovating a bathroom or building a new kitchen, adhering to relevant regulations is essential. These regulations are in place to ensure the safety and longevity of structures, as well as help you maintain compliance. This article provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the regulations on moisture resistant plasterboard. From sheet installation and […]

  3. The Waterproofing Capabilities of Moisture Resistant Plasterboard

    The Waterproofing Capabilities of Moisture Resistant Plasterboard

    Moisture damage is a common issue that impacts the integrity and longevity of buildings. Traditional drywall and other types are susceptible to water penetration, leading to swelling, mould growth and eventual deterioration.  To address this, moisture resistant plasterboard is used to withstand exposure to moisture and humidity. Here, we delve into the waterproofing plasterboard capabilities, […]

  4. How Moisture Resistant Plasterboard Prevents Mould Growth

    How Moisture Resistant Plasterboard Prevents Mould Growth

    Mould growth is a serious issue that causes structural damage and health problems in all buildings. An effective way to prevent mould is by installing moisture resistant plasterboard. The specialised material is designed to withstand high humidity levels and resist the growth of mould and mildew. This feature explores how moisture resistant plasterboard contributes to […]

  5. The Eco-Friendly Benefits of Insulated Plasterboard

    The Eco-Friendly Benefits of Insulated Plasterboard

    The construction industry has significant potential for boosting its eco-credentials through the use of sustainable materials. An example of this is insulated plasterboard, which is superior to other plasterboard types on several environmental measures. For this feature, we explore how this versatile material enhances energy efficiency and contributes to sustainable construction. 4 eco-friendly benefits of […]

  6. Traditional vs Insulated Plasterboard: Which is Best?

    Traditional vs Insulated Plasterboard: Which is Best?

    A key decision for a construction project is what type of plasterboard to use. Builders face a choice between traditional plasterboard and insulated plasterboard.  Selecting the right plasterboard impacts the installation process, long-term maintenance requirements and compliance with building codes. This feature examines the key differences between insulated and traditional plasterboard. Traditional vs insulated: Pros […]

  7. How to Combat Condensation with Insulated Plasterboard

    How to Combat Condensation with Insulated Plasterboard

    Condensation poses a persistent problem. If left unchecked, a buildup of moisture can lead to mould, mildew and structural issues. Installing insulated plasterboard serves as an effective method to combat condensation. Below, we explore the causes of harmful moisture buildup and demonstrate why insulated plasterboard is the best solution. You will learn best practices for […]

  8. How to Use Joint Compound with Plasterboard

    How to Use Joint Compound with Plasterboard

    What is joint compound? Also known as plasterboard joint filler, joint compound has the same consistency as mud and is primarily used for the installation of new drywall and large-scale repair jobs. It is created from a mix using limestone and gypsum, as well as other materials including starch, clay, perlite and mica. Despite its […]

  9. How to Effectively Fill Holes in Plasterboard

    How to Effectively Fill Holes in Plasterboard

    Plasterboard can be damaged quite easily, whether it’s by hanging too much weight on a fixing, impact from a sharp corner, or cracking after screw removal. As plasterboard is often attached to a stud wall, holes cannot simply be filled in, due to the void behind them.   However, there are simple methods for filling holes both […]

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