Timber & Joinery

  1. OSB Boards: What Are They and How Are They Used

    OSB Boards: What Are They and How Are They Used

    OSB boards have become one of the most popular engineered wood products due to their high strength and low cost. They are used for wall and roof sheathing, alongside internal walls, flooring, and furniture. In this guide from Building Materials Nationwide, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of OSB boards, how they’re graded, and their […]

  2. Planed Timber: What is it and What is it Used For?

    Planed Timber: What is it and What is it Used For?

    When looking to use timber within a building project, rough-sawn timber will have an unattractive look and bring the risk of splinters with it. Thankfully, planed timber is available, with one or more smoothed surfaces that make it perfect for use within visible building components and furniture. In this guide from Building Materials Nationwide we’ll […]

  3. Plywood: What Is It and How Is It Used?

    Plywood: What Is It and How Is It Used?

    A high-quality engineered wood, plywood is used in everything from houses to furniture and even boats, coming in a wide range of grades and finishes. In this overview from Building Materials Nationwide, we’ll cover the essentials of plywood, how it’s made, the benefits and drawbacks, the products available, and their common uses. Plywood is a […]

  4. Sawn Timber: What is it and What is it Used For

    Sawn Timber: What is it and What is it Used For

    The vast majority of sawn timber will be cut into boards before being finished for a range of purposes. In this guide to sawn timber from Building Materials Nationwide, we’ll explain the different ways a felled tree can be cut into timber boards, and explore the range of sawn timber boards available, from carcassing timber […]

  5. Treated Timber: What is it and What is it Used For?

    Treated Timber: What is it and What is it Used For?

    Untreated timber will be susceptible to rot and infestation when used externally, potentially ruining decking, fencing, and outer walls. When looking to use wood in areas of your property that are vulnerable to moisture, treated timber is the only option, as it successfully resists water and insect infestations. In this guide from Building Materials Nationwide, […]

  6. What is C16 Timber? Popular Uses and Types Available

    What is C16 Timber? Popular Uses and Types Available

    When constructing a wooden building, choosing a structural wood capable of supporting all weight is vital. C16 timber is graded to ensure that it offers a solid level of strength, making it perfect for structural applications within buildings, such as frames and joists. In this guide from Building Materials Nationwide, we’ll explain the essentials of […]

  7. What is CLS Timber?

    What is CLS Timber?

    CLS timber has become a lot more popular in the UK in recent years and it’s often the wood of choice for internal structuring jobs. In this piece, we’ll look at exactly what CLS timber is, its benefits, common uses and, of course, what CLS actually stands for What is CLS timber? CLS timber is created from […]

  8. What is the difference between C16 and C24 timber?

    What is the difference between C16 and C24 timber?

    Anyone who’s been involved with construction projects using carcassing timber (kiln-dried softwood) has likely encountered the terms ‘C16’ and ‘C24’. But while these descriptions are pretty widespread, not everybody knows what they mean, nor the difference between them, which is why we wanted to clear up the confusion with this handy little guide.  For starters, it’s important […]

  9. What is timber used for in construction?

    What is timber used for in construction?

    Timber is a handy old type of wood that’s widely used as a construction material. It’s safe to handle, simple to cut and shape, has excellent thermal properties, is high-strength and is also extremely durable. Here in the UK, the term simply refers to sawn wood, though in other places (including the US and Canada) the […]

Items 46 to 54 of 55 total